The purpose of this Skills Framework is to evidence your acquisition of important engineering skills. Thus, it combines a combination of technical and transferable skills in ten broad categories. It is designed so that the final portfolio can be used as a showcase of your skills attainment.

To reflect the differing levels of skills attainment, each of the skills in this framework can be demonstrated at three different levels:
Knowledge: Achieved when you follow instructions to demonstrate the skill.
Application: Achieved when you demonstrate the skill at request without instructions, and you have reflected on the skill's success. A critical reflection demonstrates your understanding of the skill by highlighting what went well and what could be improved (50-100 words).
Synthesis: Achieved when you have demonstrated the skill without guidance or instruction for a specific project, justifying your choice of using the skill and you have reflected on the skill's success (see above). Your justification should include an explanation of why you have used the skill to contribute towards a defined objective for a whole system/ project. The choice of the skill must be supported by evidence showing that it is the best solution compared to other options. This allows you to demonstrate your understanding of when this skill is appropriate and how it fits within a wider context (50-100 words). There is also an expectation that you are demonstrating this skill effectively to achieve synthesis.

Each skill will have specific requirements for the skill to be satisfactorily endorsed. In addition, there are overarching requirements for all pages of your ePortfolio. If any page does not satisfy these requirements, the page will not be considered in any further detail.

  1. The page comprises an introduction that summarises all the digital artefacts on the page.
  2. Every digital artefact (e.g. photos, figures, videos and other non-text items) must clearly show the username of everyone contributing to the work in such a way as to authenticate the intellectual ownership of the artefact.
  3. All the skills being claimed are arranged below a 'Skills Mapping' block at the bottom of the page, as per the template.
  4. The page is of sufficient quality to present to people external to the University.
  5. The page has fewer than 5 errors such as spelling mistakes or other typographical errors.
  6. Any evidence in audio format must be recorded in a quiet, stable environment, with clear speech at a moderate pace, to ensure clarity and comprehensibility.

Add more pages to this collection if you want them to show up here in the SmartEvidence map.

Below is the structure for the collection's SmartEvidence matrix.
Column header: Standard elements   Column header: Number of pages that contain the standard element ready for assessment Ready for assessment   Column header: Number of pages that contain the incomplete standard element Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level   Column header: Number of pages that contain the partially completed standard element Skill demonstrated at the application level   Column header: Number of pages that contain the completed standard element Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level Column header: Page title Overview v.4 Column header: Page title Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2
Sum of statuses Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0  
Beginning of a standard section

Circuits & Instrumentation

Click to hide the section for standard "Circuits & Instrumentation".

Circuits & Instrumentation

Row header: Standard element Circuit design & realisation Click to show standard element details.

Circuit design

Skill owner: Dr Francis Robinson

Purpose: Circuit design forms the foundation of modern electronic systems and most circuits now use active devices. Active circuits employ semiconductor devices and integrated circuits (e.g. bipolar-junction transistors, MOSFETs, op-amps, logic gates) to implement amplifiers, oscillators, counters, and sequencers, for example. Understanding and implementing circuit design provides a tangible approach to translate theoretical knowledge into real-world applications. As well as mastering circuit theory, success in practical design requires an understanding of component and circuit imperfections and being able to minimise the extent to which they disturb the accuracy of circuit operation without resorting to excessively costly or complex components or measures. Variation in operating conditions may also have a significant impact on the accuracy and stability of operation.

Requirements: The page includes:

  1. A schematic of the circuit and a photo of the circuit prototype on a breadboard, each with the student’s username visible. The circuit should include at least one active component or integrated circuit and if analogue two passive, R, L, or C components.
  2. A brief write-up (100-200 words) detailing the rationale for circuit design, expected operation using formulas, and include a brief discussion of how the effect of a circuit imperfections (e.g. component tolerance, source and load resistance, or stray inductance, capacitance and resistance, logic component set-up and delay times) was assessed, or the variation in an operating conditions, such as variation in temperature, supply voltage, or transient input voltage spikes was assessed.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Circuit design & realisation". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Circuit design & realisation".
Row header: Standard element Circuit simulation Click to show standard element details.

Circuit simulation

Skill owner: Dr Francis Robinson

Purpose: Circuit simulation enables you to rapidly gain insight into circuit operation and the dependence of circuit response on component values and other circuit quantities. Mastering this skill enables you to exercise your creativity on the circuit design, rather than dealing with the simulator.

  1. The purpose of the simulation is clearly described (50-100 words).
  2. The page includes a circuit schematic for each of the circuits within ORCAD (or equivalent) and screenshots of outputs from the simulations with clearly labelled types of analysis run, each with username visible. The schematics and screenshots should include the student’s username.
  3. A concise discussion (100-200 words) on the simulation results of each circuit is included, pointing out discrepancies or insights gained and validating results where possible.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Circuit simulation". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Circuit simulation".
Row header: Standard element Electronic test & measurement Click to show standard element details.

Electronic test & measurement

Skill owner: Dr Stephen Pennock

Purpose: Electronic test and measurement are crucial for validating and troubleshooting circuit designs. It provides a hands-on approach to understanding the performance of circuits and systems.


  1. The purpose of the activity/activities is clearly described (50-100 words).
  2. Photos of the setups are presented using lab equipment including the oscilloscope, digital multimeter, DC power supply, and waveform generator and tabulated data of measurements obtained.
  3. For each circuit type, provided a side-by-side comparison of measured values vs. expected values with a brief justification for any observed differences, a discussion of the uncertainties and potential errors (50-100 words).
  4. An example of using more advanced instrument features or settings to improve accuracy or supply more information than discrete value measurements, e.g. oscilloscope signal averaging, single-shot oscilloscope capture of a transient waveform, correcting oscilloscope probe compensation, accurate high-frequency signal or pulse characterisation, power-supply current-mode operation, DMM measurement or storage requiring slightly more extensive instrument preprograming via front panel keys (100-200 words).
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Electronic test & measurement". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Electronic test & measurement".
Beginning of a standard section

PCB Design & Manufacture

Click to hide the section for standard "PCB Design & Manufacture".

PCB Design & Manufacture

Row header: Standard element PCB design Click to show standard element details.

PCB design

Skill owner: Dr Jonathan G-H-Cater

Purpose: PCB design is the process of creating the layout and interconnections of components on a printed circuit board to ensure the proper functioning of electronic devices. Its primary purpose is to establish a physical platform for electrical circuits, facilitating the reliable flow of signals and power within electronic systems.


  1. Aim of the PCB is clearly & concisely defined and anchored to a quantified specification.
  2. Image of designed PCB includes: student username, a ground plane, at least 3 different components, at least 1 via, silkscreen with metadata, board cutout.
  3. Bill of materials lists all components including details on suppliers.
  4. PCB Design has been argued in relation to placement, routing, and other functional requirements linked to the boards final application in a section entitled 'Design Rationale'. (100-200 words)
  5. Screenshots of the Physical Stackup and design rule constraints in the board setup, along with evidence of a Design Rules Check resulting in no errors.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "PCB design". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "PCB design".
Row header: Standard element PCB assembly Click to show standard element details.

PCB assembly

Skill owner: Mr Sanjae King

Purpose: The purpose of PCB assembly is to populate a printed circuit board with electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, and connectors. This process transforms the designed PCB into a functional electronic device by soldering these components to the board and establishing the necessary electrical connections.


  1. Photo, with username visible, of assembled board or boards that show both surface-mount and through-hole soldered components.
  2. Picture and critique of soldering joints with varying levels of success.
  3. Reflection on how successful the board production was in meeting production requirements (100-200 words).
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "PCB assembly". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "PCB assembly".
Beginning of a standard section

Programming & Embedded Systems

Click to hide the section for standard "Data analysis".

Data analysis

Row header: Standard element Programming in MATLAB Click to show standard element details.

Programming in MATLAB

Skill owner: Dr Philip Shields

Purpose: MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform used by millions of engineers and scientists to analyse data, develop algorithms, and create models.

Requirements: To demonstrate your skill in using MATLAB at the knowledge level, you must embed a PDF of your MATLAB Fundamentals course certificate, showing that you have completed >70%.
To demonstrate your skill at the application level, you should present working code that includes at least one loop, one branch instruction, one function, and more than one datatype. Your page should include:

  1. A section describing the purpose of the MATLAB code (100-200 words),
  2. Your MATLAB files with judicious commenting at the section- and line-level. You should use a PDF block in Mahara to display a PDF file(s) containing your code. A PDF file of your m-file can be created by using the Publish tab >> Edit Publishing Options >> Select PDF.
  3. A demonstration that the code works.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Programming in MATLAB". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Programming in MATLAB".
Row header: Standard element Embedded systems design Click to show standard element details.

Embedded systems design

Skill owner: Dr Tareq Assaf

Purpose: Embedded system design is the process of creating efficient, reliable, and cost-effective hardware and software solutions tailored to meet the specific requirements of a dedicated application. Mastering this skill requires a knowledge of both hardware and software and strategies for their integration.

Requirements: Your page should include

  1. Photo, with username visible, of your physical system hardware incorporating programmable and non-programmable components showing all connections,
  2. Wiring diagram or schematic of the system, with username visible.
  3. Code (properly commented at the section- and line-level),
  4. Video or demonstration that the system works,
  5. A section describing your work (100-200 words).
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Embedded systems design". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Embedded systems design".
Row header: Standard element Programming using a Hardware Description Language Click to show standard element details.

Programming using a Hardware Description Language

Skill owner: TBC

Purpose: Programming in Hardware Description Language (HDL) prepares engineers to design, simulate, implement and verify digital systems in software for their deployment in hardware. At the simplest level it can be used to implement combinatorial logic.

Requirements: To claim this skill your page will showcase the following aspects in relation to implementing combinatorial logic:

  1. Screenshots of key snippets of code from your digital modules and testbenches with comments describing their purpose and functionality.
  2. Screenshots of simulation outputs with wave forms and a brief explanation (50-100 words),
  3. A video (1 minute video maximum) that demonstrates the functionality of your digital system by showing how changing the input signals (e.g., switches, push buttons) of your FPGA results in a different output signal (e.g., on the LEDs and 7-segment displays of the FPGA, waveform signals on the PC screen).
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Programming using a Hardware Description Language". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Programming using a Hardware Description Language".
Beginning of a standard section

Mechanical Design & Manufacture

Click to hide the section for standard "Mechanical Design & Manufacture".

Mechanical Design & Manufacture

Row header: Standard element Using CAD to produce 3D parts Click to show standard element details.

3D computer aided design - part

Skill owner: Dr Leen Jabban

Purpose: 3D CAD design allows the conceptualisation and visualisation of components before fabrication. Mastering this skill requires expertise in using a CAD package such as Inventor or Fusion 360 to realise new designs.


  1. The page showcases a 3D representation of a completed design with your username engraved on a visible part.
  2. The design history tree should be displayed, showing the use of the following tool categories: create, modify, and pattern.
  3. Each showcased feature or tool should be accompanied by a brief description (50-100 words) or annotation, emphasising its relevance and application.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Using CAD to produce 3D parts". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Using CAD to produce 3D parts".
Row header: Standard element Using CAD to produce 3D assemblies Click to show standard element details.

3D computer aided design/Assembly

Skill owner: Dr Leen Jabban

Purpose: 3D CAD Assembly Design emphasises the integration of multiple components into a cohesive unit.


  1. The page showcases a 3D assembly with your username engraved on a visible part or component.
  2. The design history tree should be displayed, showing the use of interrelationships and constraints between parts. Where suitable, transparency should be used to enable the inspection of hidden features.
  3. Each showcased feature or tool should be accompanied by a brief description (50-100 words) or annotation, emphasising its relevance and application.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Using CAD to produce 3D assemblies". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Using CAD to produce 3D assemblies".
Row header: Standard element Using CAD to produce drawings Click to show standard element details.

3D computer aided design/Drawing

Skill owner: Dr Leen Jabban

Purpose: 2D CAD Drawing Design translates 3D models into detailed 2D schematics. Mastering this skill ensures accurate communication of design intent for manufacturing and documentation purposes.

Requirements: The page includes a PDF of the produced engineering drawing. The drawing should have annotations, dimensions, and other essential details clearly highlighted, adhering to industry standards and including necessary elements like title boxes, tolerance annotations, and parts lists. The drawing should also include your username.

Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Using CAD to produce drawings". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Using CAD to produce drawings".
Row header: Standard element Additive manufacturing Click to show standard element details.

Additive manufacturing

Skill owner: Dr Tareq Assaf

Purpose: The purpose of 3D printing is to create physical objects by adding material layer by layer based on a digital 3D model, enabling rapid prototyping, customized production, and complex geometries in various industries. Mastering this skill requires the understanding of how to prepare a file (e.g. STL) to be printed on a 3D printer.

Requirements: G code and image of the sliced part showing your username and support (if needed). Short reflection (100-200 words) on how the model was set up (e.g. why the particular orientation, why support/no support etc.)

Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Additive manufacturing". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Additive manufacturing".
Beginning of a standard section

Data Analysis

Click to hide the section for standard "Data Analysis".

Data Analysis

Row header: Standard element Data analysis Click to show standard element details.

Data analysis

Skill owner: Dr Biagio Forte

Purpose: The purpose of this skill is to equip you with the ability to critically analyse data, either to compare experimental data with theoretical expectations or make data-driven decisions to optimise electronic and electrical systems.

Requirements: The page should include a “Data analysis” section (100-200 words) which:

  • Includes a brief description of the measurements made, sources of uncertainty, and a calculation of the cumulative uncertainties.
  • either:
    • Compares measured and theoretical data, identifying and discussing any discrepancies and presenting a clear conclusion. Where suitable, statistically relevant measures of difference are used (e.g., best fit).
      • OR
    • Describes how data along with suitable calculations were used to adjust design parameters. The design rationale must be presented in a clear, professional manner, with a discernible conclusion.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Data analysis". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Data analysis".
Row header: Standard element Data visualisation Click to show standard element details.

Data visualisation

Skill owner: Dr Leen Jabban

Purpose: A picture is worth a thousand words; data visualisation enables presenting complex data in a more comprehensible way, enhances communication and aids in decision-making processes.

Requirements: The page should showcase the ability to employ tools, such as MATLAB or Excel, for effective data visualisation. Specific types of plots (e.g., line plots, bar graphs, scatter plots) tailored to the data's nature should be evident. All visualisations should be adequately annotated, labelled, and presented in a way that emphasises the underlying data insights. The rationale behind choosing a specific type of plot for certain data sets should be explained (50-100 words).

Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Data visualisation". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Data visualisation".
Beginning of a standard section


Click to hide the section for standard "Sustainability".


Row header: Standard element Climate action, Sustainability and SDGs literacy Click to show standard element details.

Climate action, Sustainability and SDGs literacy

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Being able to discuss the coursework done with the literacy related to climate action, sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals.

Requirements: The page should include a section entitled 'Climate and sustainability Impact' with sub-sections about:

  1. Describing the elements of climate and sustainability literacy that relate to a work or project (50-100 words or 1 min video or audio format)
  2. Reflecting on the climate and sustainability impact of the project or work (50-100 words or 1min video or audio format)
  3. Describing a specific element of a sustainability framework such as the SDGs which relates to the work or project (as an image in a text or a video and mentioned in an audio format).
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Climate action, Sustainability and SDGs literacy". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Climate action, Sustainability and SDGs literacy".
Row header: Standard element Life cycle assessment Click to show standard element details.

Life cycle assessment

Skill owner: Dr Leen Jabban

Purpose: The purpose of life cycle assessment is to evaluate the environmental impacts and resource usage associated with a product, process, or service throughout its entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal, to make informed sustainability decisions.

Requirements: A life cycle assessment is provided for a given work or project (200-500 words). The life cycle assessment needs to capture the different steps of the product life. It includes:

  1. The birth of the product by discussing the raw materials it is made of and the manufacturing processes of the product and how they contribute to the CO2 footprint.
  2. The life of the product, i.e. the time when the device is in use. It includes a description of the product usage, of its power consumption, of additional resources needed during its use and how they contribute to the CO2 footprint.
  3. The end of life, when the device is out of use. How is it disposed of? It includes additional resources and processes needed during this phase of the product life and how they contribute to the CO2 footprint.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Life cycle assessment". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Life cycle assessment".
Row header: Standard element Electronics enhancing sustainability Click to show standard element details.

Electronics enhancing sustainability

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Understand and discuss how electronic devices are tools to enhance sustainability.

Requirements: The page should include a reflective section added to a work or project entitled 'Electronics enhancing sustainability' which includes the following sub-sections:

  1. Description and explanation of the operation of a specific electronic or electrical system (50-100 words or 1 min video or audio format)
  2. How sustainability is enhanced by this electronic or electrical system (50-100 words or 1 min video or audio format)
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Electronics enhancing sustainability". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Electronics enhancing sustainability".
Row header: Standard element E-waste Awareness Click to show standard element details.

E-waste Awareness

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: The purpose of understanding e-waste is to recognise and address the environmental, health, and socio-economic consequences of electronic waste accumulation.

Requirements: The page should include a reflective section entitled 'Consideration of e-waste' including the following sub-sections:

  1. A focus on a specific type of e-waste, such as PCBs, ICs and discrete components etc. which may include sources opportunities for recycling etc.. Related to a work or project (50-100 words or 1 min video or audio format)
  2. A proposition to reduce e-waste related to the work or project (50-100 words or 1 min video or audio format).
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "E-waste Awareness". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "E-waste Awareness".
Beginning of a standard section

Design & Development

Click to hide the section for standard "Design & Development".

Design & Development

Row header: Standard element Engineering Problem solving Click to show standard element details.

Engineering Problem solving

Skill owner: Dr Philip Shields

Purpose: Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design and create solutions that improve technology and everyday life. Engineers use analytical thinking to break down complex problems into manageable steps so that they can more easily be solved.

Requirements: The page should include a section entitled 'Engineering problem solving' that includes the following sections:

  1. Problem definition: A concise definition of the problem that includes the starting point and/or a description of the initial data, and the required outcome.
  2. Problem solution: If appropriate, suitable flowcharts have been included.
  3. Alternative solutions: A brief description of at least one alternative solution to an aspect of the problem considered.
  4. Verification: A brief description for how the proposed solution has been verified.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Engineering Problem solving". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Engineering Problem solving".
Row header: Standard element Design and development processes Click to show standard element details.

Design and development processes

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Understand and apply the design and development process to the design of a product.

Requirements: The page should include a section entitled 'Design and Development Process' which includes:

  1. The Design and Development Matrix completed for the user needs and the target specifications.
  2. User needs are concisely defined and justified (20-50 words).
  3. Target specifications are defined and justified (20-50 words).
  4. Target specifications are specific with values and tolerances where possible.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Design and development processes". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Design and development processes".
Row header: Standard element Verifying target specifications Click to show standard element details.

Verifying target specifications

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Understand how target specifications are verified

Requirements: The page should include a section entitled 'Target Specification Verification'. This section includes:

  1. The Design and Development Matrix (Excel file) with the 'Verification' section completed.
  2. The verification test is concisely described for a given target specification (20-50 words).
  3. The description includes the location of the test.
  4. The description includes the expected target results.
  5. The description includes the expected completion rate of a targeted result (e.g. 90%)
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Verifying target specifications". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Verifying target specifications".
Beginning of a standard section


Click to hide the section for standard "Communication".


Row header: Standard element Technical report writing Click to show standard element details.

Technical report writing

Skill owner: Dr Leen Jabban

Purpose: Being able to communicate a significant piece of work in a formal way according to an accepted standard.

Requirements: The portfolio page contains an embedded PDF of a technical report that includes:

  1. An Abstract
  2. Table of contents
  3. List of acronyms
  4. Numbered sections (in the order of appearance)
  5. Numbered and labelled figures, tables and equations (as required, in the order of appearance)
  6. Citation of figures, tables and equations in the text
  7. Numbered references (in the order of appearance)
  8. Acronyms fully stated the first time of appearance in the text
  9. Good and concise English writing (one idea per sentence)
  10. Introduction
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Technical report writing". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Technical report writing".
Row header: Standard element Social media communication Click to show standard element details.

Social media communication

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Effective communication on social media platforms amplifies the reach and impact of ideas, facilitating professional networking and knowledge dissemination in today's digital age.

Requirements: The page should include four planned LinkedIn posts following the Jab, Jab, Jab, right hook theory of communication in social media (related text and image).

Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Social media communication". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Social media communication".
Row header: Standard element Datasheet creation Click to show standard element details.

Datasheet creation

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Being able to communicate a significant piece of work in a formal way according to an accepted standard.

Requirements: The page should include:

  1. A pdf of the datasheet with:
  2. Concise gathering of technical information,
  3. Numbered and labelled figures, tables and equations.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Datasheet creation". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Datasheet creation".
Row header: Standard element Group presentation Click to show standard element details.

Group presentation

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Effectively conveying information and findings in a collaborative setting is vital for professional communication and knowledge dissemination.

Requirements: The page should include:

  1. A link to the recorded group presentation, clearly showing the members of the group.
  2. The slides should highlight sufficient information without including too much text in the slides.
  3. It should also utilise labelled graphs, numbered slides, and a content page.
  4. The presentation should respect the allotted time.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Group presentation". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Group presentation".
Beginning of a standard section


Click to hide the section for standard "Management".


Row header: Standard element Effective project management Click to show standard element details.

Project management

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Successful project execution demands systematic planning, allocation, and tracking, ensuring project objectives are met efficiently.

Requirements: The page should include a section entitled “project management” that describes:

  1. How the project was divided into the steps needed for its completion (50-100 words).
  2. The list of objectives of the project. The objectives should be described concisely and 'SMART' where possible (20-50 words per objective).
  3. The list of tasks related to the objectives of the project. The tasks are defined concisely, assigned to relevant people, prioritised and linked to the relevant objectives. (10-25 words per task)
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Effective project management". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Effective project management".
Row header: Standard element Effective time management Click to show standard element details.

Effective time management

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Effective time management is essential to enable the completion and delivery of projects and assessments in time.

Requirements: The page includes:

  1. A Gantt chart that shows the timeline of the project,
  2. The intentional division of time relevant to the given tasks.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Effective time management". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Effective time management".
Row header: Standard element Risk assessment Click to show standard element details.

Risk assessment

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Identifying and understanding potential threats ensures that proactive measures can be taken to mitigate adverse outcomes, safeguarding the project's success.

Requirements: The page a section entitled 'Risk Assessment', which includes:

  1. A risk assessment matrix
  2. Identification of the risks to the project, describes them concisely (20-50 words),
  3. Identification of their periodicity and severity,
  4. Ranking of the risks according to the combination of periodicity and severity weighting.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Risk assessment". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Risk assessment".
Row header: Standard element Effective teamwork (unconscious bias and being a bystander) Click to show standard element details.

Effective teamwork (unconscious bias and being a bystander)

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: Collaborative efforts, when harmoniously executed, yield better results by leveraging the diverse strengths of individual team members.

Requirements: The page includes a section titled 'Teamwork' which includes:

  1. A table that shows how the tasks have been fairly distributed among the team members according to skill.
  2. Further details about teamwork are described (50-100 words)
  3. A subsection describing the interaction between the team members (including meeting and engagement) (50-100 words).
  4. The certificate of completion of the #NeverOk training quiz
  5. Describe a process that you have implemented in your team to facilitate bystander intervention (50-100 words).
  6. Explain which protected characteristics you have taken into consideration while working on your work or project (50-100 words).
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Effective teamwork (unconscious bias and being a bystander)". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Effective teamwork (unconscious bias and being a bystander)".
Row header: Standard element Inclusive communication Click to show standard element details.

Inclusive communication

Skill owner: Dr Melusine Pigeon

Purpose: The purpose of inclusive communication is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, abilities, or circumstances, can access, understand, and participate in communication processes.

Requirements: The page includes a section titled 'Inclusive communication' which includes:

  1. Describe two different processes that you have used to ensure inclusive communication. (50-100 words or 1 min audio/video)
  2. Explain why these processes enhance inclusivity (50-100 words or 1 min audio/video).
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Inclusive communication". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Inclusive communication".
Beginning of a standard section


Click to hide the section for standard "Investigation".


Row header: Standard element Online and library research, referencing & avoiding plagiarism Click to show standard element details.

Online and library research, referencing & avoiding plagiarism

Skill owner: Dr Leen Jabban

Purpose: Comprehensive research underpins informed decisions and the development of knowledge, utilising a range of available resources. Academic and professional integrity necessitate the correct attribution of sources, ensuring the authenticity of work presented.

Requirements: The page should include a piece of work in which online and library research was used. The page should include:

  1. A piece of work written by the student which uses the IEEE referencing system where at least 6 references are cited.
  2. The references should appear in the position of the text where they are relevant.
  3. They should be numbered in the text in the order of appearance.
  4. A diverse range of timely references must be used (e.g. research papers, books, trusted online sources).
  5. You should complete the academic integrity test online before claiming this skill at any level.
Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0 There are no annotations on page "Overview v.4" for standard element "Online and library research, referencing & avoiding plagiarism". There are no annotations on page "Generic page - edit this title to something meaningful v.2" for standard element "Online and library research, referencing & avoiding plagiarism".
Sum of statuses Number of pages that contain the standard element: Ready for assessment 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the knowledge level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the application level 0 - Number of pages that contain the standard element: Skill demonstrated at the synthesis level 0